Florianópolis is an island located on the southern coast of Brazil, where nature manifests itself exuberantly, especially through the sea and mountains. Its beaches with crystal clear waters and white sand stand out from others in the country due to the striking presence of rocks in the middle of the sea.
Architecture firm
Tetro Arquitetura
Cacupé, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Principal architect
Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, Igor Macedo
Design team
Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, Igor Macedo
Bruno Bontempo, Bianca Carvalho, Bruna Maciel, Saulo Saraiva, Sabrina Freitas. Windows and Glasses: Lohn Esquadrias. Cladding, finishing, floors and countertops: Cosentino. Woodwork: Bontempo. Marblework: MG superfícies. Air conditioning: I9 climatização. Skylights: Continente inox. Brises: Lfs soluções metálicas. Metal structure: CLW. Pools Installation: Nardi Piscina
Structural engineer
MV estruturas
Environmental & MEP
CA engenharia (Hydraulic; Electric)
Jardim e Cia; Terraço Paisagismo
Igor Macedo
Tools used
AutoCAD, SketchUp, Lumion, Adobe Photoshop
Concrete, Steel, Stone, Glass
Residential › House
“At Sabiá House, blocks scattered across the land create voids that keep the trees and bring nature into the house.”
Architecture firm
Tetro Arquitetura
Nova Lima, Brazil
Tools used
SketchUp, Lumion
Principal architect
Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, Igor Macedo
Model: Sabrina Freitas, Márcia Aline • Model Photos: Guilherme Brondi
Igor Macedo
Residential › House
Praia Brava, in the city of Itajaí, in Santa Catarina, is the setting for this 760m² duplex penthouse, designed for a couple with two young daughters.
Project name
Itajaí Penthouse Apartment
Architecture firm
Simara Mello
Praia Brava, Municipality of Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Eduardo Macarios
Principal architect
Simara Mello
Design team
Simara Mello, Ana Júlia Guimarães
Administrative / works: Valéria Callescura. Administrative / Financial: Mara Francini
Interior design
Simara Mello, Ana Júlia Guimarães, Elisa Franca Kartabil
Environmental & MEP engineering
Neutral tones and natural materials
Remodeling Simara Mello
Tools used
ZWCAD, SketchUp
Residential › Apartment
Developed by architects André Almagro and Gabriele Farias, from Alfa 2 Arquitetura, OLX’s new headquarters arrives in the financial and cultural heart of São Paulo with the aim of promoting greater connection and quality of life for the employees. The hybrid concept adopted by the company directly influenced the design decisions and the layout func...
Architecture firm
Alfa 2 Arquitetura
Avenida Paulista, 1100, São Paulo, Brazil
Nathalie Artaxo
Principal architect
Gabriele Farias, André Almagro
Design team
Marcos Fornaciari, Daynna Palmeira
Interior design
Alfa 2 Arquitetura
Alfa 2 Arquitetura
Civil engineer
Out Engenharia
Environmental & MEP
Out Engenharia
Alfa 2 Arquitetura
Out Engenharia
Tools used
SketchUp, Revit, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign
Acoustic ceiling baffles, acoustic wall panels; textiles; cement floors
Commercial › Office
The night passes, the plague passes, the summer passes, the winter passes, the war passes, the peace passes, what is born passes, what is done passes. Everything passes, and passes very well.” - Text inspired by Paulo Leminski
Project name
Que Passa House
Architecture firm
Tetro Arquitetura
Brumadinho, Brazil
Tools used
SketchUp, Lumion
Principal architect
Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, Igor Macedo
Design team
Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, Igor Macedo
Manuela Moss (Model), Guilherme Brondi (Photographer)
Igor Macedo
Residential › House
Inspired by the modernist lines, Studio + Formica, an environment at CASACOR Minas, stands out for its architecture with organic shapes, conceived in honor of the 22nd Week
The architects Assis Humberto and Marcus Vinícius, founders of Studio Arquitetônico, took on the commitment to create the Studio + Formica project, the functional kitchen of CA...
Project name
Studio Formica
Architecture firm
Studio Arquitetônico
Palacio das Mangabeiras, Mangabeiras, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Estudio NY18, Daniel Mansur
Principal architect
Assis Humberto Ribeiro, Marcus Vinicius dos Santos
Design team
Assis Humberto Ribeiro, Marcus Vinicius dos Santos
Conception and Technical Execution: Marcus Vinicius dos Santos - Air conditioning: ECOTEMP - Locksmith: Electrowelding Locksmith - Frames: Electroglass
Structural engineer
FACIT Engineering
Ana Campos Paisagismo, Kat Paisagismo
Assis Humberto Ribeiro
Construtora Construa
Residential › House
The world is increasingly fast-paced, and has transformed human needs, where every moment must be enjoyed with well-being and awareness. The lack of time, the demand for optimization, and, on the other hand, the curiosity to know the origin of everything we consume, is transforming the consumer society into a conscious society, where what is necess...
Project name
Espaço (com)VIVER
Architecture firm
Studio Arquitetônico
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Jomar Bragança
Principal architect
Assis Humberto, Marcus Vinicius
Design team
Assis Humberto, Marcus Vinicius
Consultants: Prs Engenharia - Collaborators: Duratex, Diamondstone, Líder Interiors, Leform, Eletrovidros, A. De Arte, Galeria Murilo Castro, Pátio Brasil, 31Mobiliario, Tecai, Deca, Marie Camille - Support: Amém Casa, Interiors Leader, Inova Graxx Grease
Structural engineer
Assis Humberto, Marcus Vinicius
Assis Humberto, Marcus Vinicius, Rafael Mineiro, Nanã Guimarães, Ana Campos Paisagism
Casacor Minas 2021
Residential › House
Newly arrived in São Paulo with their two children, Juliana and Gabriel desired to renovate their new apartment.
Project name
Gabriel and Juliana's Apartment
Architecture firm
Goiva Arquitetura
Jardins, São Paulo, Brazil
Design team
Karen Evangelisti and Marcos Mendes, former partners at Iná Arquitetura. Karen and Marcos are currently partners at Goiva Arquitetura.
Environmental & MEP engineering
Residential › Apartment