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The Logistics Hub, conceived within the dynamic context of New York City, offers a bold reimagination of the modern workplace. It challenges the conventional boundaries between consolidation and decentralization in urban and economic systems, presenting an innovative architectural typology that not only redefines the 21st-century office but also an...
Atharva Ranade
University of Pennsylvania
Nate Hume
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Keyshot, Autodesk Fusion-Meshmixer
George Genovezos & Lam Faraj: Augmented Living is a project that combines an augmented reality system, physical elements, and live activities. The intervention consists of housing units that alternate levels as they develop within the deconsecrated OLPA building.
George Genovezos, Lam Faraj
University of Patras
Panos Dragonas, Giannis Karras
Tools used
AutoCAD, Rhinoceros 3D, V-ray, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
The idea of The Art Academy is based on integrating the past with the present by using varied or contrasting textures and materials. Aiming to achieve a powerful essence of Brutalism, fostering a unique and inspiring environment for art education.
Maryam Amr Samir Muhammed
Faculty of fine arts- décor department/ interior architecture
Dalia Younis
Tools used
Autodesk 3Dds Max, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD
Colored House is located in Firouzkoh, Tehran, which has a cold and mountainous climate. This project gives us something that we need but don't get during the day. Energy, and what better than colors to give us vitality and motivation.
Shaghayegh Zolfaghari
Technical and Vocational College D.r Shariati
Tools used
Midjourney AI, Adobe Photoshop
This design project questions the function of architecture in the natural environment, and positions architecture as a tool to move beyond a human dominated ecosystem. Modern society has developed at a recent rate which is higher than at any period in history, and the natural world is at the brink of collapse.
Yunhao Yang
Syracuse University
Brit Eversole, Julie Larsen, Sinead Mac Namara
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, V-ray, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Substance Designer
Our site this semester will be in the Wynwood Arts District, a former industrial neighborhood that has emerged as the creative hub of Miami. Attracting visitors from around the world to explore and photograph its internationally renowned street scene, this edgy part of the city is home to the highest concentration of street art in the U.S.
Dipti Trivedi
California College of Arts
Thom Faulders
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, V-Ray. 5 Ft physical Model: Laser cut-Birch plywood, painted, glued
In 2050, the ocean water level and soil slippage are expected to rise by 25.4 cm each year, and climate scientists predict that by the end of the twenty-first century, water will rise from about 65 cm to 1 meter, and by the middle of the next century many cities around the world may drown and many islands disappear.
Hamzah Anwar Abdo Ali Noman
Queen Arwa University
Ahmed Ghalep
Tools used
Autodesk Revit, Autodesk 3ds Max, Lumion
The main idea behind the resort project in Al-Galala city is to integrate the natural beauty of the plateau with the interior design. Aiming to create a luxurious getaway that makes guests feel at one with the stunning surroundings. Also opening the architecture form into the landscape, with organic shapes and natural materials such as stone and wo...
Mazen El-Raggal
Alexandria University, Egypt
Heba Mansour
Tools used
Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk 3ds Max, V-ray 5, Adobe Photoshop

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