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“Like Epicures once said, a good food, good friends and good wine is the perfect way to live the life.”- I wanted a place where I can enjoy and live my people.” the client Mr Yash Vasant briefed the concept for his house. “The house should be the place where I can take a pause from my daily routine, energize and get back to routine.”

If you are a homeowner, you know that property management is essential for maintaining your home. Property management includes all of the tasks and responsibilities necessary to keep your home in good condition. However, property management becomes even more critical if you own a more expensive residence, such as a luxury apartment or condo.

The project for this house is located in Carlos Paz, Argentina, on the shores of Lake San Roque. It was a great opportunity for the studio to explore the relationship between architecture and nature and go further, which characterizes Siuk Studio, no matter where or how.

The Portola Valley Barn is a dynamic space, separate from an existing main residence, designed for large-scale entertaining as well as relaxation. Reminiscent of the tin-roofed, weathered rural vernacular of the picturesque surroundings, the compound comprises three primary structures—a spacious home office, a home theater and a luxurious guest suite—connected by interstitial entryways containing a kitchen and powder room.

The visualization project is a concept for an isolated residence deep in the Himalayan Mountains, inspired by the form of the mythical dragon and molded-in bold concrete. The structure depicts a peaceful and secluded space in the mountainous terrain, thus highlighting the concepts of tranquility and privacy.

Curtains are a design aspect that may not receive enough attention when designing a home. However, the right choice of these items serves multiple benefits, such as accentuating a living space, providing privacy, and changing light levels. They can also make a room feel significantly larger and cozier while adding texture to a designated living space. 

The new embankment is divided into 2 main zones: 'quiet' and 'active. The 'active' area includes a dog walking area, projecting balconies suitable for fishing, a playground for different ages and a central area for events. The 'quiet' zone is a long promenade on winding bridges among trees with scenic balconies on stilts and secluded places for rest.

This 2,900-square-foot home in Seattle’s Magnolia neighborhood was designed for an active couple looking for a strong connection to the outdoors, access to daylight, and a clear open plan. Their goal was to have a modest house within walking distance of neighborhood amenities that creatively solves the puzzle of openness and privacy on an urban lot.