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This project provided the opportunity to address the battleaxe block subdivision which too often sees the replacement of an ex-backyard with structures that cover the majority of the site and leave little room for gardens, a poorly defined entry sequence neglecting the home a presence in the neighbourhood and a laneway lost to car parking and solid fencing.

Elements House is a one-story, modern house that is in synergy with the environment. A house for a person characterized by minimalism and dark, muffled tones. The project aims to create a natural division and transition between interior and house areas, creating a sense of continuous spatial flow throughout the household.

Regular servicing of your HVAC presents you with many advantages. Indeed, it's more of a necessity than a luxury. So, embark on a search for reliable HVAC maintenance companies within your neighborhood and sign a contract with them, specifying how frequently they'll be coming to your home to check the AC and how much you'll be paying for each visit.

The SS House is an Italian private vacation home inserted into a young olive grove in the Ostuni countryside, in the Valle d'Itria area (Puglia). The volume, white and pure, stands out in the surrounding countryside through its simple forms of traditional Apulian architecture, innovated with infusions of contemporary architectural details.

DOM WORLD is a virtual community space, the foundation of which is to give the creative community an opportunity to interact and discover new realms and domains in an environment that boosts creativity and freedom. The project represents an ecosystem of products where users can buy vacant agile office space, loan exhibition space, unique virtual homes and many more, and access them as avatars.

The house stands at a y - junction in a dense residential neighbourhood of Kozhikode, a coastal city in Kerala, on a linear plot deprived of views to the outside. The resident’s personality embraces a modern lifestyle, at the same time they are deeply nostalgic about their ancestral village of the Mid Malabar region of India.

In this house, the living space unveils through views that change with the winds and tides, like a living and breathing postcard. The project emerges through these captured moments, where each new architectural fragment prints and dances in its context.

Your home is where you spend most of your time, and it is also a place where you invite your family and friends once in a while. No doubt, you would want a house that is appealing to the eyes for everyone to love. How you decorate your home will determine how it looks and the kind of feelings people get when they visit. If you are looking for trending decoration ideas, this article is for you.