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Aedas and Do Design consortium has recently won the competition for the New Hope Central China Regional Headquarters at the riverside of Yangtze River in Wuhan, China.

This home complements an urban façade that we have had the opportunity to create over three years. This façade is made up of four projects by the studio. As this is the last one oriented towards the western axis of the central block of the development, we were interested in using a warmer colour scheme and a more enclosed volume than the rest of the houses as an exercise to obtain a different impact on the other three adjoining ones.

If you are a gardener, then you know that there is always something new to learn. This blog post will discuss some of the most useful gardening tips that you will want to hear. Whether you are just starting in gardening or you have been doing it for years, these tips will help you to become a better gardener and produce healthier plants.

We sat in this place, on mountain top, and enjoyed the scenery. We felt the blowing wind and wondered how the wind could design the house. From there, we created a creative process to try to find out.

The Spruce House is located in DLF Phase 1, Gurugram. The total built- up area of 9105 Sq.Ft. is spanned across two and a half floors. The initial layout sketches and spacial progression revolved around having a well-lit and ventilated home that could satisfy all the family needs and make way for leisure and recreation activities.

This was a roof with no operation, so we decided to make a nostalgic space for holding private events. These events hold with about 150 people population, so we need spaces for them. We want each person who go there feel travel to past years and see nostalgic symbols, so we started to design a historical house based on Ghajar architecture.

Does it feel like there's a lot of clutter in your kitchen and yet all of those items are essential? Maybe you just want a kitchen that's more organized and that always looks neat and clean. If that's the case, and check out these tips that will help you use your space better and keep the kitchen looking tidier.

The idea of the project when came up with I came across Þrídrangar lighthouse photos on the internet and I was immediately impressed by its pristine area. the violent waves that I wanted to have in my work and this were the hardest and most challenging part of my work.