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This 10-story twin tower on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a clear-cut center-core office building. The cantilevered structure extends 9.7 meters from the center core to the curtain wall exterior, and the glass exterior of the entrance hall is set back 3 meters from the perimeter wall.
Project name
LINES in Shanghai
Architecture firm
SAKO Architects
Shanghai, China
YuMing Song
Public schools in Shanghai are conservative in their pedagogy and factory-like in their architecture. The new Chonggu Experimental School however provides the potential for a shift in pedagogy from the traditional disciplinary model to less formal, enquiry-based approaches. It also presents a paradigm shift in formal expression – a design shaped fo...
Project name
Chonggu Experimental School, Years 1-9
Architecture firm
BAU Brearley Architects+Urbanists
Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
West Bund Orbit, with Wutopia Lab as the overall interior designer, was officially completed in October 2023.
Project name
Interior design
Wutopia Lab
Shanghai, China
CreatAR Images. Video: CreatAR Images
VVENN, a diverse designer brand, was established in Shanghai in 2021. Skilled in merging artistic aesthetics with avant-garde consciousness in clothing design, it conveys a self-consistent and comfortable state through a simplification approach.
Project name
Architecture firm
Time To Gather
Xinle Road, Shanghai, China
Wu Jianquan
PIG DESIGN, dedicated to “save the city with cuteness,” has crafted over ten diverse parent-child wonderlands for NEOBIO across various cities over the past four years.
Project name
NEOBIO (Yu Garden)
Interior design
Shanghai, China
Qi Shuoqian
A residence, fundamentally, is the tangible embodiment of the dweller's life philosophy and personal style. It serves as the personalized habitat and emotional haven for urban elites. Taking Qingxi Garden, a villa cluster in the western suburbs of Shanghai, as an example, it nestled amidst high-end communities like Tan Gong, Ming Yuan, and Lv Gu no...
Project name
Healing Home
Shanghai, China
Designed by Atelier IN, this project draws its primary inspiration from the textural red bricks of the old streets, aiming to narrate the stories of the coffee shop and its local community.
Project name
Aloha Cafe
Architecture firm
Atelier IN
No. 510, South Shanxi Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
Oliver, Vikin
The Shanghai Book City, referred to by netizens as the "Crystal Palace," officially reopened with a new look on October 28, 2023, after undergoing a two-year closure for renovations.
Project name
Renovation of Shanghai Book City
Architecture firm
Wutopia Lab
Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
CreatAR Images