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This house is designed for a couple in the heights of northern Iran. They wanted to move away from machine life and experience the tranquility of a simple life. They liked the interior design in a simple and rustic way alongside modernity

From the idea of a skyscraper to the finished image, the work took only 3 days. Ignoring common sense and typical solutions, I tried to find an interesting form of skyscraper. I decided on three towers leaning on each other and forming a common top.

Featured in Florida Design Magazine in 2022, this kid-approved home was built to last. This one acre lot proved to be the perfect canvas for a one-story, U shaped residence with contemporary Balinese flair, where “our goal was to make a beautiful architectural statement with a home that’s comfortable and practical for everyday life.”

LU Style, the latest restaurant designed by LDH Architectural Design / Liu Daohua in Beijing! As one of the Confucian classic works, the Book of Rites writes that the earliest human sacrificial rites started from the form of offering food", indicating that the norms of behavior in catering activities were the origin and even the fundamental embodiment of a civilization. Starting from the shore of the East China Sea, Gaozi

Designing a kids' bedroom can be a lot of fun, but there are 4 things you need to consider when designing your child's bedroom.

Part of a 1925 villa in the center of Bucharest that now hosts a group of offices from different creative industries, this 125 sqm (gross area) apartment was designated as a hub for meeting spaces. The brief was quite simple, yet elusive, which turned the whole process into a very organic and fluid one.

This project consists of a single-story addition and renovation to an existing mid-century ranch house in Menlo Park, California. Conceived for a retired couple, the open and accessible design integrates the living space with the rear garden to create a well-lit domestic extension.

Bedroom is the last place to take refuge. All  bedrooms are for relaxation and energy recovering. The Awakening room is the same, but it is fundamentally different from the rest of the rooms and that is to stay awake!