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Have you ever taken a moment to visualize your dream home or thinking about the size, structure, and preferred decor? After considering all this, you might discover that your dream house is priced beyond the typical conforming mortgage loan rate your lender offers.

The clients come to the studio with a simple program for a three-bedroom house that meets their current and future needs for living and teleworking. They are a young couple with tremendous enthusiasm to live a quiet life enjoying their home in contact with nature and close to their family, and the plot is perfect as it borders a beautiful olive grove.

Crafting a modern staircase is challenging as designers balance aesthetics and function. These tips for designing the perfect staircase will simplify the job.

Architecture and nature walked into the same direction to create a calm atmosphere. A space that embraces the sea breeze, which is passed toward the green area and cold water, so that a cool breeze flows inside it and a few moments of silence and passing through the smokey skyscrapers, hustle and bustle of the city and staring at the horizon of the Persian Gulf.

Located in La Punta Zicatela, at the southernmost point of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Casa TO is a boutique hotel that crystalizes a genuine experience of contemplative hospitality with a vision of environmental consciousness and social responsibility. The project, by the renowned architect Ludwig Godefroy, was developed under the watchword of simplicity and conceptual elegance, bringing together tradition and the avant-garde in a unique structure embraced by a peaceful natural setting.

The point of arrival becomes a vast open place, almost like your own public plaza, that opens straight to the sky and the first impression makes you feel as if the landscape is resting over the house, a strong linear element greets you, inviting you to go down the landscape and meet the uninterrupted view.

The chosen location is Monte el Pardo, 30 kilometers from Madrid in a plot with fantastic views and orientation. Our clients expect their house to be empty for a good part of the year so they want to find a way to make it pay for itself by renting it out when they are away but maintaining a private space.

The current global creative scene is in an ongoing debate about artistic authenticity and ownership. However, I find a great freedom in using Ai text to image generators. The new tools are providing a medium of freedom. Freedom from physicality, from functionality and from modules.