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This is a villa in the city of Damavand in Iran. We designed it in four story, We wanted this house to give the contact a sense of inviting and attractiveness. So we formed it with sharp edges but with a warm feeling. Also we created it with a lot of nature objects and woods beside glass and dark stone.

In designing the headquarters building for ZOZO, the company behind fashion e-commerce site "ZOZOTOWN," the architect’s aim was to create a “regionally integrated office” that will grow with the city, based on a vision of the city itself as being an office where needs such as cafés, parks, daycares, gym facilities, and more are outsourced within the city, rather than being provided for in-house.

This full gut remodel was realized for a design minded couple moving from New York back to LA. Making the transition back to sunny California, the couple had visions of keeping doors and windows open year-round. Self-proclaimed foodies, they were looking forward to weekend gatherings and being able to entertain inside and out.

‘DOMA’ is a space form in traditional Japanese architecture. It is usually connected to the outdoor part of the house and is lower than the rest of the interior space. In the past, ‘DOMA’ can be used to place agricultural tools, and even used as a small workplace by the craftsmen. In modern residential buildings, ‘DOMA’ has been changed to an entry porch. The new residential project in Kamakura designed by KiKi ARCHi and TAKiBI explores and extends the form of ‘DOMA’ in the contemporary house through a specific design language, and expresses its relationship to nature, city, and living.

In the next fifty years, humanity will start building base cities on Mars. We are sure that taking into account various climatic and radiation factors, architecture on the red planet will be different from the earth. Among the main and important tasks of architects and scientists will be the use of local Martian resources

The Stress Center is located in Kalamaria,Thessaloniki and holds an idyllic position due to the scenographic environment and the direct contact with the sea horizon of Thermaikos gulf. Knowing that the visit to a doctor is accompanied by mixed feelings of anticipation, expectation and consequently anxiety, the main concern of the architecture design was to create a spatial experience with strong elements of comfort, tranquility and friendly atmosphere.

Summertime is the perfect time to fire up the grill and cook up some delicious food! We've got you covered if you're looking for ways to create an amazing cooking space outdoors. In this blog post, we will discuss seven tips and tricks that will help make your outdoor cooking area stand out from the rest. Let's get started!

The Nanchawan Stone Houses project is located in a small mountain village in Hubei Province, adjacent to the famous Three Gorges area along the Yangtze River. The local landscape is dotted with small mountain villages, offering an abundance of cultural and natural beauty. The first phase of the Nanchawan Stone Houses project was completed in 2020, during which time the architects had already planned the second phase.