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The Society Hotel Bingen in Bingen, Washington confronts conflicting contextual drivers, responding with a singular and iconic organization. Located in the columbia River Gorge - a National Scenic Area - the project’s site is near the waterfront yet separated from it by a series of industrial facilities. Further complicating the hotel’s relationship to the dramatic landscape of the Gorge, the 2.57-acre property is within a residential setting requiring a sensitivity to scale and the privacy of its neighbors.

Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure, but getting all your possessions there safely and without damage can be challenging. Luckily, there are effective ways to take care of your belongings during the move.

TEF Design recently completed concept designs for the shell and core base building rehabilitation of the landmark structure, including envelope improvements, complete roof replacement, and structural retrofit to transform the former theater for contemporary commercial use. The design approach focuses on rehabilitating the historic structure according to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.

You can find 122 new mailboxes on Zeeburgereiland. Meet the new residential building: Terrazza! This sculptural building establises a connection with the neighborhood on every side. For example, some of the houses are connected to the street by stairs and terraces. But more notable are the courtyards.

Building a home is an exciting milestone but also a substantial financial commitment that requires an informed decision. The last thing you want to do is make design choices that will be dated in just a few years. Thankfully, certain architectural features have timeless appeal and will always look good regardless of your style or budget.

Imagine if your home could feel like living in a garden pavilion. At BENT Annexe II, it does! By retaining the character-rich front section of the home and creating a new, light-filled addition to the rear, this family of four plus Pippa the groodle are surrounded by lush greenery and can effortlessly utilise their backyard

The first phase of New Brooklyn is complete! The new city district is taking shape now that the first 235 homes have been built. Together with INBO, we made the design for the construction fields A1, A3 and A5. Commissioned by Heijmans development and the Development Alliance.