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Golfing is such an amazing sport, where patience and alertness, tactfulness, and strength constantly mix and intertwine for the ultimate precision and success. Not for everyone, not extremely popular, it remained a sport for a selected group of people of selected interests and characteristics.
Written by
Allen Brown
David Mark, John Such (Cover image)
After a tedious day at the office, everyone wants to come back home to a tidy space full of peace and love. That is, after all, what homes are supposed to be. However, your home can only be as loving and peaceful as you make it to be.
Written by
Allen Brown
Natalia Lavrinenko (Cover image), Dan Counsell
In today’s world, everyday life can seem to be taken hostage by over extravagance, complexities, and clutter. So much so, that when you finally make it back to your house at the end of the day, you’re left longing for a return to something much more simple and minimal even. 
Written by
Gabe Nelson
Surround Architecture (Cover image), Francesca Tosolini, Andrea Davis
Nowadays, people utilize their kitchen as a second office or simply as a retreat from online meetings: hence, it needs to be functional, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing. We have carefully selected the most popular surface trends to make your kitchen fantastic!
Written by
Allen Brown
Max Vakhtbovych (Cover image), Mark McCammon
The field of construction is full of potential as it can turn empty land into a home for thousands of people. However, it is not easy to run a construction business as it is packed with various factors and details that you have to handle simultaneously. Construction machinery is one of these important factors.
Written by
Allen Brown
Dimitris Vetsikas (Cover images), Athena, Anamul Rezwan
The smoothness of activities that take place in a house depends on a variety of support systems. For every room, there is something that works as support. For example, when it comes to your kitchen, you have got the gas supply, and for rooms, you need a ventilation system, etc. In the absence of a support mechanism, a house can’t ever be complete....
Written by
Allen Brown
Samuel Sianipar, Elf-Moondance (Cover image)
We all spend a lot of time in our bedrooms, so they should be places where we can be perfectly peaceful and tranquil. Whether you are relaxing with your favorite book or kicking back with your friends on the weekend, your bedroom needs to be somewhere you feel totally yourself and at ease.
Written by
Allen Brown
Adam Winger (Cover image), Arek Socha