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On each passing day, there's a person who’s succumbing to the junk surrounding them. Your future as well as your environment depends on how well you manage the trash that comes from your home. The world is slowly becoming a junkyard conserving how much trash is deposited in the parks, oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Written by
Allen Brown
Vecteezy, Artem Beliaikin
Utilizing solar and other alternative energies is an unavoidable reality. Humanity cannot thrive on fossil fuels forever due to their inherently limited nature and the fact that they are the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions.
Written by
Allen Brown
Ulrike Leone (cover image), Charlie Wilde
With the weather warming up, it’s finally time to turn your attention to your garden. Gardening can be a great, therapeutic way to become one with nature, but it can be difficult to keep your garden looking its best. If you want to spruce up your vegetable or flower patch, but don’t know how, this list has got you covered.
Written by
Allen Brown
Marzenna Gaines (cover image), Maria Orlova
There are not many rules or guidelines about what you should get for someone as a housewarming gift. Next to Christmas gifts and birthdays, who can blame anyone for letting that occasion slip? Just get them a vase or a toaster or something, right? If you’re reading this, you probably want to get something a little more meaningful.
Written by
Allen Brown
Engin Akyurt (cover image), Fancycrave1
With the past year mostly spent cooped inside our homes because of the pandemic, many people now realize the importance of making their home a space they can enjoy and be comfortable in. At the same time, most people are also tired of all the same renovation ideas that are overdone and are looking for something unique.
Written by
Allen Brown
Max Vakhtbovych (Cover image), Dean Moriarty
Decorating your home is one of the fun things about moving into a new place or building your home from start to finish. That being said you might not pay attention to things like privacy until later on when you notice that the neighbors can see directly into your bedroom from the window or balcony doors. If you find yourself in this position there’...
Written by
Allen Brown
Peter Bennetts (cover image),