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Kepdarroch Farmhouse is a new-build home on a working farm, designed for a young family. Set in an open agricultural landscape, the house is arranged loosely around an informal courtyard, making reference to familiar clusters of farm buildings, steadings and cottages.
Project name
Kepdarroch Farmhouse
Architecture firm
Baillie Baillie Architects
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Alex James-Aylin
The Aerada house is in a boiling hot place. Its facades work like ceramic radiators, which on the one hand disperse heat and shade its interior, and on the other allow the breeze and light to enter. Something in between the open and the closed.
Project name
Aerada House
Architecture firm
Tetro Arquitetura
São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Tools used
The design of a house is a process in which we work with the very essence of the client in order to translate it into an architectural project. Translating the user's personality, their ideologies, culture, tastes and hobbies, into spaces, colors and materials is what gives us the freedom to design without being tied to pre-established styles or fo...
Project name
Bonilla Residence
Architecture firm
Solidaridad, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Tools used
AutoCAD, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop
I get in the car, turn the keys, listen to the noisy symphony coming from the engine and hit the road to reach my house in the town of Amieira, next to Marinha Grande, land of glass and the mold industry in Portugal.
Project name
Marinha-Grande House - Casa Marinha Grande
Architecture firm
Contaminar Arquitectos
Amieira, Marinha-Grande, Portugal
Fernando Guerra | FG + SG
Casa Granero is a permanent-use house, conceived for a family that enjoys gatherings, friends, farming, cooking, furniture-making and animals raising. It pretends to be a contemporary adaptation of agricultural spaces for the collection and conservation of seeds. It uses the idea of flexible and safe space for inclement weather. Protection and pro...
Project name
The Barn House (Casa Granero)
Architecture firm
Ravelo Julia – Sur Taller de Arquitectura
Estacion Del Carmen, Córdoba, Argentina
Gonzalo Viramonte
This project is located in Cuesta Blanca, Cordoba. The town is known for being a part of a water reserve called Los Gigantes, which is an ecologically-protected area where the conservation of its special native forest ecosystem is the main focus.
Project name
Casa Escondida (Hidden House)
Architecture firm
Ravelo Julia – Sur Taller de Arquitectura
Cuesta Blanca, Córdoba, Argentina
Gonzalo Viramonte
Bushehr project; Is in order to answer the constant questions of its architects about explaining the impact of architects to recognize and understand the project and promote principles and respect to the context of the design.
Project name
Green Mansion
Architecture firm
Ev Design Office
Bushehr, Iran
Zahra Rezaee
Stone Lodges - Private Residences are spread across a forested hillside. Built on sloping land on the side of a mountain, they are inspired by the grammar of Mountain Lodges and the native design aesthetic.
Project name
Plavu, Kanikonna
Architecture firm
Wayanad, Kerala, India
Justin Sebastian