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This 5600 sq.ft of residence is located in a gated community at the outskirts of Vadodara city. The house belongs to a family of 4 members including 2 daughters. The clients brief was to have comfortable and clean spaces that reflects luxury at the same time.
Project name
Deliwala Bungalow
Architecture firm
Usine Studio
Vadodara, India
Ishita Sitwala
hanmugam Associates: “School is an enjoyable and enriching part of life where students can safely explore their True North” - reads the vision of The Northstar School, a progressive institution established to transform the educational ecosystem.
Project name
The Northstar School
Architecture firm
Shanmugam Associates
Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Ishita Sitwala / The Fishy Project www.thefishyproject.com