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Bedroom is that part of our home that can be considered as the most personal and intimate. It is the place where we rest and feel the most comfortable. We usually don’t let any and every outsider to step into our bedrooms because it is the place where we show our vulnerable selves to the ones who are of highest priority.
Written by
Isha Sharma
4Balance Design Studio (cover image), Sver Studio
Omid Merkan: In my opinion, the bedroom should be a place for fun and happiness, in addition to sleeping. It is full of energy, very alive. This bedroom is designed for a musician who loves to play in the heart of an untouched garden. Create a modern and minimalist atmosphere that is combined with lights and warm colors ... Iranian carpet which is...
Project name
Bedroom Design
Architecture firm
Omid Merkan
Gilan, Iran
Tools used
Autodesk 3ds Max, V-ray, Adobe Photoshop
We all spend a lot of time in our bedrooms, so they should be places where we can be perfectly peaceful and tranquil. Whether you are relaxing with your favorite book or kicking back with your friends on the weekend, your bedroom needs to be somewhere you feel totally yourself and at ease.
Written by
Allen Brown
Adam Winger (Cover image), Arek Socha
Who doesn’t like to enter a bedroom that seems so welcoming? Notwithstanding everyone’s choice of design, we need a bedroom that can serve as a cozy place of retreat. Perhaps, it is time to a makeover that bedroom of yours, already. Even if you seem not to figure how to start or what to do, get ready to be inspired, the ideas below will help you.
Written by
Allen Brown
Roberto Nickson (Cover image), Devon Janse van Rensburg
The Ukrainian architect and interior designer Samohvalov Architects has designed Hide White, a concept of a private house for a couple with children in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Project name
Hide White
Architecture firm
Samohvalov Architects
Kiev, Ukraine
Tools used
Autodesk 3ds Max , Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop