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The Y House is a single family residence currently under development in upstate New York. The design uses a traditional 'house' profile to create three separate wings (one for the family, one for guests, and one for a creative studio) that curve into each other at the center and form the main gathering spaces.

Karisma Shoker, an Architect from London, has been using the potential of the artificial intelligence (AI) after a trip to Mexico - swimming in the underground cenote caves, she imagines how it would feel to discover the entrance to Atlantis - myth or reality?

It's no secret that generators provide an essential backup power source for homes and businesses in the event of a power outage. But what many people don't know is that you can install a generator with your existing solar panels, to create a more reliable and efficient energy system. Here are six things you should know when installing a generator with existing solar panels.

Cosmos Architecture Department of Cosmos Ivicsa has revealed the finalist design for a Residential high-rise of 260 apartments in one of the most important gates of Riyadh City in the KSA. The Mawten’s Residence will become the crossroad of Riyadh’s cultures and a business landmark for the entire city. The project represents a unique, modern and heritage respectful apartment complex in Riyadh city.

The department store for the furniture tradesman Franz Klein was built on the original narrow and deep Gothic plot in 1911, after the demolition of a residential building with a commercial ground floor space. The author of the design was architect Christoph Glaser, who was inspired by the Gerngross/Herzmansky department store in Vienna.

Quality is at the core of construction. After all, the thing you are building has to be stood on, lived in, and thoroughly stand both shifts in the outside and inside environment.

This is a collective housing building on a regular plot in the heart of Porto, on Passeio de São Lázaro. The building has two fronts, one oriented for the Passeio de São Lázaro and the other to the interior. It also has a small patio that was allocated to one of the aparta- ment.

Are you in the market for a new air conditioner? If so, you're not alone. Air conditioners are one of the most popular appliances in the world. And with good reason - they keep us cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. If you're thinking about buying an air conditioner, or if you already have one and want to learn how to maintain it, read on! In this blog post, we will discuss the process of buying and maintaining an air conditioner.