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A collaboration between Blue Truck Studio and a new homeowner with DIY construction experience, this home for a young family was a triumph in overcoming obstacles. Originally a dilapidated and compact two-bedroom, the house transformed into an expansive three-bedroom through the addition of a third floor cantilevered off the back

The architecture of the building is characterized by brutalist style, using materials which are characterized in our country such as Concrete and Clay Block. Materials such as concrete and block represent the construction culture in our country over the years.

Home decorating is a great way to express your individual style and make your home feel like a reflection of you. With the right tips and tricks, you can create a beautiful and inviting space that you and your family will love. From choosing the right colors to incorporating architectural elements, here are 10 tips for home decorating that will transform your space.

The original exterior of this 1960’s mid-century modern home was showing its age, and the rear yard was overgrown and inhospitable. Our clients’ goal was to add an exterior living-space to the rear where they could relax and entertain while enjoying the serenity of the landscape.

The house is designed in a complex balance between the creation of a dense and closed fortress and the reinterpretation of the typical patio house, looking for a protected oasis, in its intimate relationship with the sky. The name - Forte - denounces the mandatory theme of privacy, while the volumetric design reveals the essential strategy of capturing light and ventilation for the space, in an unpretentious and assumed inspiration in the Islamic culture.

Architectural concept, for 2 astronauts to live on the surface of the moon. There's no atmosphere on the moon, and enormous temperature variations, reaching plus 127 during the day, dropping to minus 173 after sunset. High doses of cosmic rays and solar radiation are detrimental to humans and living organisms.

Situated along the banks of Shoal Creek in Downtown Austin, Pease Park is the city’s oldest public park and one of its most loved. In 2014, the City of Austin adopted the Pease Park Vision Plan developed by prime consultant Wallace, Roberts & Todd and Clayton Korte to guide future use and care of the 84-acre park.

These trends define the office of tomorrow and ensure that our everyday working life evolves.