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If you are thinking about installing an HVAC system in your home, it is advised that you look for a high-efficient one. This will provide you with many benefits, with the most important ones being reduced energy bills and improved comfort levels. For more information, refer to our post and learn how a high-efficiency HVAC system can benefit you financially and personally.

Soaring Gardens is the first object in our “Neo Archaic” project series. Our main goal is to reimagine the legendary buildings of ancient times through a modern perspective.

Buying a home is one of the biggest and most important decisions anyone can make. As economic conditions change, now could be the right time to invest in a property. It all depends on your situation.

It’s easy to accumulate clutter in the house, whether it’s from a shopping spree or simply the accumulation of household items over time. It can be difficult to determine where and how to start decluttering and getting rid of excess stuff. In this blog post, we will go through 6 tips for getting started and dealing with excess stuff in your home.

This building consists of Canopée Café and Sihai Club, and stands up and down along the mountainous area, integrating into the "ladder style" traditional mountain blocks in Chongqing. It adjoins Huguang Club and overlooks East Watergate. In Xie Ke's opinion, it is "the only place close to my childhood memory in Chongqing".

The façade was with modifications, humidity and signs of deterioration.The conservation of some original moldings with detachments was observed, blacksmith elements in the oxidation state and non-original aggregate elements such as, an access gate to the garage and a fixed glass that blocks pedestrian access.

The Cultural Café is a conceptual project for Richmond Park, London. The cultural café fluid form building aims to explore the concept of nature and architecture, connecting those two elements in a unique way.

We discuss different design approaches, the recipe for success and the importance of competitions in the work of designers with Maja Ganszyniec, juror in this year's make me! competition organized by the Łódź Design Festival.