Designed by Shohreh Rafatpanah, this amazing villa is inspired by the Vanna Venturi House, one of the first prominent works of the postmodern architecture movement that was designed by architect Robert Venturi. Project description by student: As we`ve seen in Venturi`s house there are some roo...
Before you hire an architect there is a list of things you should know. In these early stages, there are key things you need to clarify with your architect. It is important for you and the architect to waste no time. You would ideally like these early conversations to be concise, clear and efficient.
Written by
Taylor Ryan
Daniel McCullough, Jesse Roberts, Helloquence, Jo Szczepanska
The Kyiv-based architecture and interior design studio Loft Buro led by Oleg Volosovskyi has recently completed Hayloft an industrial loft that is located in Kyiv, Ukraine. Hayloft is not only a dwelling. It’s a cocktail of a restaurant, experimental kitchen, bar counter, exposition, show room, DJ place and a friendly atmosphere both for a kin and...
Project name
Architecture firm
Loft Buro
Kyiv, Ukraine
Andrey Avdeenko


Zoncuantla Apartments in Coatepec, Mexico by Rafael Pardo Arquitectos