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The site of the Smith Residence was a slight declivity between two rock outcroppings that are on a prominence that slopes directly down to the sea. The house was conceived as a square spiral, built up by the lapping of the major beams around a courtyard.
Project name
Smith House 2
Architecture firm
Arthur Erickson
West Vancouver, B.C. Canada
John Fulker, Steven Zhen Wang
Milad Eshtiyaghi: The main concern of designing this project was to have a good view of the forest and overlooking the surrounding area, Which start from the design of high-rise cottages and start with two concrete cores that forming the structure of them on both sides.
Project name
Lift House
Architecture firm
Milad Eshtiyaghi
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Tools used
Autodesk 3ds Max, V-ray, Adobe Photoshop