The project marks the corner of Fourth and Channel Streets as a gateway to San Francisco’s burgeoning new Mission Bay south neighborhood. It houses 150 low income, and formerly homeless individuals and families, currently including 261 children. It brings diversity of age, race, and income to this booming new district. Restaurant and retail space...
Project name
1180 Fourth Street
Architecture firm
Associate Design Architect: Kennerly Architecture & Planning. Executive Architect: Mithun/Solomon (originated WRT/Solomon E.T.C.). Associate Architect: Full Circle Architecture
San Francisco, California, USA
Bruce Damonte
A small rustic cabin on a rugged lakefront site in Muskoka, Little Dipper has a single goal in mind: to transport visitors into an immersive wilderness experience, drawing upon the property’s full range of natural features.
Project name
Little Dipper
Architecture firm
Great Lake Studio
Muskoka, Ontario, Canada
Night Sky, designed by Peter Stutchbury Architecture, stands on a long, narrow block overlooking Blackheath Golf Course. From the street, it has a quiet presence, in no hurry to reveal itself – there are no obvious clues that this is a house that is both raw and refined; that has strength and power but, at the same time, a delicacy that speaks of t...
Project name
Night Sky
Architecture firm
Peter Stutchbury Architecture
6 Jubilee Ave, Blackheath, New South Wales, Australia
Brett Boardman Studio
The public housing sector shelters from the front to live with privacy and allied with nature. The limit of the house is the horizon of the landscape that the lot poses. The linear circulations are contained by their own exterior, the patios. They allow us to recreate the necessary privacy of each sector of the house.
Project name
Casa TERRA-91
Architecture firm
Terralagos, Canning, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alejandro Peral
The tea pavilion located on the bank of the dam in Český Těšín was created as an intervention in public space as part of the Mood for Wood international workshop. When thinking about the concept, we start from the traditional Japanese architecture of tea houses rendered with contemporary means of expression. We work with a simple design principle o...
Project name
Tea House Pavilion
Architecture firm
GRAU architects
49°44'48.9"N 18°36'07.9"E; Hrabinka Lake, Český Těšín, Czech Republic
Matej Hakár
wa_sauna, a motor-powered, floating sauna, explores ideas of community, journey, and retreat. Following in the tradition of saunas as a place for gathering, wa_sauna provides a place for friends and the community to share a unique experience on the water. Boaters and kayakers can venture out and tie off to the surrounding deck.
Project name
Architecture firm
Seattle, Washington, USA
Kevin Scott
Located in a gated community in the southern part of the Province of Buenos Aires, house AC-47 is located on a corner lot surrounded by important vegetation. Its linear development prioritizes the visuals over the park and the optimal conditions of sunlight and ventilation. The project starts from a main volume that is ordered in relation to the di...
Project name
Casa AC-47
Architecture firm
Adrogué Chico, Malvinas Argentinas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alejandro Peral
This Video shall dive into an amazing visual experience of a Fusion Villa designed by Space Race Architects for Mr. Gupta from Jalandhar, Punjab. As it is rightly said by Winston Churchill- We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us, the vision behind this magnificent mansion was not only to comfort the cliental but also make it nature friend...
Project name
Fusion Villa
Architecture firm
Space Race Architects
Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Purnesh Dev Nikhanj
Detached house in the neighborhood of Adrogué Chico, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The project intention was to preserve privacy without losing the relationship with nature and its environment.
Project name
Casa AC-89
Architecture firm
LMARQ Arquitectos
Adrogué Chico, Malvinas Argentinas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alejandro Peral


Zoncuantla Apartments in Coatepec, Mexico by Rafael Pardo Arquitectos