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The Egyptian architectural student Ahmed Ayman has designed Shahid a Museum of Architecture & Documentation center that located in Al-Mokattam,Cairo, Egypt.  Project description by designer: My Project brands for the importance of understanding heritage not just watching it. This would take pl...
The Egyptian architectural student Ahmed Darwish has designed Salt formation center an art center that relies on Salt physical reactions as an artistic raw material, located in Marriott lake in Alexandria, Egypt.  Project description by designer: Marriott region is a proposed new rising city l...
The Indian architectural student Astin John has designed a proposal for Hyperloop terminal Mumbai a B.arch graduation project that located in Mumbai, India. Project description by designer: The Hyperloop terminal design is intended to bring the new age revolutionized hyperloop transportation t...
What is Biovular? Reorganization of fraternal twin masses in order to serve a totally sustainable habitat which is also re-designing the overall neighborhood density to create opportunity for improving agricultural activities into the program and creating more green spaces while re-leveling the s...