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The fire station in Dolní Jirčany is a place where tradition meets modern design and functionality. It is designed to resemble the typology of rural barns with its shape and volume. Its rectangular form and gabled roof also create a visual connection with the elementary school located across the street.
Project name
Jirčany Fire Station
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Ke Křížku, 252 44 Psáry, Czech Republic
Alex Shoots Buildings
The Vietnamese restaurant is situated in a corner building, which was previously occupied by a Chinese buffet. As you enter, the exposed brick walls immediately capture your attention, infusing the restaurant with a rustic charm. The heart of the restaurant is the open kitchen, complete with a counter where diners can witness the meticulous prepara...
Project name
Pho King Restaurant
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Námestie svätého Egídia 4/7, Poprad, Slovakia
Matej Hakár
Ramencraft is not just a restaurant; it's an architectural and gastronomic experience that blends traditional cuisine with modernity. Located in the heart of Prague, the restaurant offers a unique fusion of Japanese culture, gaming world, and pop culture into its architectural design. Pixelated 8-bit graphics are transformed into the surface of wal...
Project name
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Veleslavínova 59/3, Prague, Czech Republic
Studio Flusser
The Park of Memories in Aš represents an important step towards restoring the urban balance of the town and presenting its historical heritage. The project connects past and present, brings education and recreation, and becomes a place where the city meets its own history.
Project name
Park of Memories Aš
Architecture firm
SOA architekti, Ateliér KONCEPT (Ondřej Píhrt, Štefan Šulek, Ondřej Laciga, Petr Kostner, Martina Kostnerová, Tomáš Prinz, Vladimír Dufek)
U Radnice, Aš, Czech Republic
Alex Shoots Buildings
The reconstruction of a terrace house for the needs and comfortable urban living with the current standards for a family. The same terrace house design repeats in a few streets, using pseudo-mansard roofs, partial prefabrication, and materials from the early 1990s. An extravagant house that doesn't break set rules.
Project name
Cherry Tree House
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Dědina, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Alex Shoots Buildings