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The Lesser Polish Eaves Cottage is a house which was inspired by the Polish wooden arcade architecture. Eaves houses located in the market square of Lanckorona are an interesting example of such architectural solutions.
Project name
The Lesser Polish Eaves Cottage
Architecture firm
BXB Studio
Małopolska, Kraków, Poland
Sławomir Ślusarczyk, Rafał Barnaś, BXB studio and Luke Skyvideo
This is a unique, never seen before, unprecedented, surprising, fairy-tale-like synthesis of visual arts and architecture. Two independent pieces of art created by brothers - Boguslaw and Rafal Barnas tell the story of the architectural design in the film  ArchiPaper. The film has won dozens of awards around the world and the building - The Farmhou...
Written by
BXB Studio
BXB Studio, ArchiPaper
Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów by Nizio Design International officially opened on July 12th. 
Project name
Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów
Architecture firm
Nizio Design International
Michniów, Poland
Marcin Czechowicz https://mcmproduction.pl/