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This 5600 sq.ft of residence is located in a gated community at the outskirts of Vadodara city. The house belongs to a family of 4 members including 2 daughters. The clients brief was to have comfortable and clean spaces that reflects luxury at the same time.
Project name
Deliwala Bungalow
Architecture firm
Usine Studio
Vadodara, India
Ishita Sitwala
The concept is to focus on the views of the Dzukou Valley. The entry hallway staircase leads to the full view of the valleys. Each room has a complete view of the surrounding nature and acts as a connecting space.
Project name
The Dzukou Valley Residence
Architecture firm
Inverse Studio18
Dzukou Valley, Kohima, Nagaland, India
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, Karamba3D, Lumion, Adobe Photoshop
The Cove House is a weekend home nestled in a site swaddled by the mountains of the Western Ghats. Red Brick Studio was approached by the client who wanted to build a space which would allow him a get-away from the hustle of the city life and provide him an opportunity to soak in the picturesque views of the backwaters of the Panshet Dam the site o...
Project name
The Cove House
Architecture firm
Red Brick Studio
Panshet, Pune, India
Hemant Patil
In the quiet suburbs of Alkapuri, Vadodara, there is a conceptually Designed housing colony; where homes are arranged around a centrally located common. Shree bungalow is single dwelling - developed in 42,000 sq.ft.  Of area with 13,500 sq.ft. Of built up area. 
Project name
Shree Bungalow
Architecture firm
Usine Studio
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Tejas Shah
‘Tamara villa’ is a weekend home designed for a family of four on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. The project exemplifies an idiosyncratic oeuvre that ranges from architecture to landscape.
Project name
Tamara Villa
Architecture firm
VPA Architects
Ahmedabad, India
Inclined Studio
Kabir house is a single family dwelling in Baroda, Gujarat. USINE STUDIO – led by young duo’s Yatin and Jiten, gently merged the house with landscape, creating a much valued feeling of serenity, and a tranquil amalgamation with nature.
Project name
Kabir Bungalow
Architecture firm
Usine Studio
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Tejas Shah
Usine Studio: The 7,500 sq.ft. bungalow stands peerless, amidst low-rise apartment stacks in 15000 sq.ft of plot area. And for that very reason, the house is an introverted built mass, of brick and occasional RCC, such that all the internal spaces look constantly into its many green pockets. The front façade comprising of a parking space and a full...
Project name
Architecture firm
Usine Studio
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Tejas Shah
VPA Architects: A site office is a first impression for any residential scheme. We decided to have a bold façade to have a unique identity.
Project name
The Bow Office
Architecture firm
VPA Architects
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Inclined Studio www.inclinedstudio.com