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Architects shape the world around us, designing structures that combine aesthetics, function, and sustainability. The path to becoming an architect, however, requires a blend of technical knowledge, creative talent, and practical skills. If you're passionate about architecture and eager to leave your mark on the landscape, the right education and p...
Written by
Allen Brown
Making a mark in the fiercely competitive world of architecture and securing a more lucrative career isn't just about talent and creativity. It's also about leveraging strategic measures that go beyond drafting tables and 3D software.
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Cristina Par
NOM House, a visionary architectural project designed to cater to the evolving needs of a young family. Located in the lively city of Limassol, NOM House offers cozy living space on a small, flat plot that has the rare advantage of being able to be expanded in the future without the need for large-scale reconstruction.
Project name
NOM House
Architecture firm
Sence Architects
Limassol, Cyprus
Tools used
Autodesk 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop
Becoming a successful architect requires dedication, hard work, and the ability to think outside of the box. You need to have strong technical knowledge as well as creative problem-solving skills in order to create aesthetically pleasing designs that are also safe and functional.
Written by
Allen Brown
EVOQ Architecture is proud to announce the appointment of three new associates to its management team: Lise Desjardins, Marianne Leroux, and Sybil McKenna. As architects, they have long been involved in the management of the firm’s heritage conservation projects and have contributed significantly to the development of the heritage studio, specializ...
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EVOQ Architecture
Architecture is a field of creative excellence envisioning a sustainable environment but in most of the countries construction, architecture, engineering and artistic fields are still dominated by males. Instead of being valued for the quality of work produced, women tend to face gender discrimination and racism globally.
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Kritika Juneja
Kritika Juneja