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We want to keep it. But at the same time, we want to approach it with a new attitude; I hope it could be in proper use,” says the architect Li Weimin. As an ancient monumental building, the ancestral hall serves as an important place for social interaction and clan connection. Nowadays, despite urban development and life changes, homeland and family remain a deep bond for people in Jiangyin and call for physical carriers and spiritual essence.

The primarily trapezoidal land arranged in a corner, is located on the outskirts of the city of Rio Tercero. The implementation premise is to compact and locate the built mass on the heart of the land, looking for the green area to embrace the house.

The residence is an intricate play of design and function that found its inception in the client’s passion to create a home for three generations of his family. The client’s mandate was simple and humble; a concrete residence where all spaces remain interconnected like one’s family but also embodies the client’s appreciation of art and design.

Modernizing a historic home can be a challenging yet rewarding experience, as it allows you to preserve the unique charm and character while making your home feel more modern with contemporary conveniences. From updating utilities and appliances to keeping some of the original architecture where you can, here are some tips for how to modernize your historic home.

The expansion project works on a house that has existed since 1918, on practically wild land located in front of the Tercer Usina lake, in Córdoba. The biggest challenge of this house lies in giving meaning to the original house again with the fewest possible interventions on it (only repairs and maintenance) and, since we understand that it is impossible to blend in with the old given the change in techniques, trades and materials , respecting that authenticity of the historical with an architecturally new and contemporary piece that does not overwhelm the context but rather generates a complementary opposite.

Imagine that you are in the city of Barcelona, and you find yourself surrounded by modernist buildings that seem to have been taken from a fairy tale. As night falls, these buildings are illuminated with colored lights that make them appear even more magical and amazing.

In Hindu mythology, Varuna is the god of water and rain, and his presence is essential to maintain the natural balance of the universe. In this mixed-use residential and commercial project, located on a 6.5-hectare property facing the beach in Tulum, his wisdom is manifested through the harmonious fusion of nature and architecture. The dense and exuberant vegetation of the jungle integrates perfectly with the buildings and common areas of the complex, becoming the fundamental element that gives life to this project.

Aesthetically we try to achieve pure and clear shapes, working by opposing blind material planes and concrete with areas of transparency and openness. As a result, the house appears heavy on its front façade, a product of the blind box that supports the garage and the entrance hall, while, on its back, it opens completely to the patio, seeking to highlight its horizontal character and connecting with the green areas.