Dasht-e-chehel villa is an experience to reach an external-internal life in a cold climate. It is about how to stay out of the building and experience snow and rain but still remain in a safe zone. And how to be inside without losing sensory, visual and psychological connection with the outside. And also, how to blur the boundary line between insid...
Project name
Dasht-e-Chehel Villa
Architecture firm
35-51 Architecture Office
Mosha, Damavand, Iran
Arash Akhtaran, Abbas Yaghooti
The “urban Ideogram” is a 5310 sqft café building located on one of the main streets in Trivandrum city. Since the commercial sustainability of such ventures is of high relevance, the challenge here was to address the question, “How can the architect bring success for a business through design?” Two factors were considered as the answer to this.
Project name
The Urban Ideogram
Architecture firm
S Squared Architects
Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Khan and Baker
Designing interiors of healthcare facilities is far more complicated than most people realize. It's not simply a case of choosing pretty furniture and paintings to brighten up the place – there's a lot more to it than that. Every design element must be carefully considered to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional environment.
Written by
Allen Brown
Ketsiree Wongwan
The brief was to construct a party hideout space for the client along with his family and friends, providing adequate privacy from the adjacent plots. The site is located in a gated community of 200 plots in Karamsad, Gujrat. The site is 50 feet by 83 feet plot with south facing approach road and adjacent plots on the east and west. The site is co...
Project name
Desert Villa
Architecture firm
Ace Associates
Karamsad, Anand, Gujarat, India
Inclined Studio
In KOŁO contest, students of architecture and young architects can take part. Their competition task is creating of conception of functional pavilion, located next to Orangery of Palace in Wilanów, including the historical context of the place (residence and royal gardens).
Geberit sp. z o.o., ul. Postępu 1, 02-676 Warsaw
The conceptual design of the facility with public toilet function
This is an open contest, and any adult natural persons with full legal capacity and place of residence in Poland, in another Member State of the European Union, or in Ukraine or Belarus shall be eligible to participate, provided that their submitted works will not be related to their business activity and will not be produced as part of their business. Employees, associates, and representatives of the Organizer and the Partner, individuals involved in the organization of the Contest, as well as their close family members shall not be eligible for the Contest. The close family member shall be understood as: the spouse, ascendants, descendants, siblings, relatives in the same line or degree, adoptive persons and their spouses, as well as cohabitants. The Organizer reserves the right to request written statements from the Contest Participants to confirm that the aforesaid conditions have been met.
Located at Cais das Pedras, near the Porto Customs House, this old building, in an advanced state of degradation, was once part of the Companhia Geral da Agricultura das Vinhas do Alto Douro's wine warehouse. Due to its relevance in the design of Porto's waterfront, the proposal respects the original layout, enhanced by the creation of a central sq...
Project name
Hotel Cais Novo
Architecture firm
Paulo Merlini Architects
Porto, Portugal
Tools used
Autodesk Revit
If you are planning to renovate your house and you want it to be modern and comfortable for you and your family, you should always try to get the best solutions you can and soft-close hinges are a thing that you should have! But why does everyone love soft-close hinges so much? Here are the biggest benefits that will make you want those hinges too!
Written by
Mert Gulsoy
Jannis Lucas
This 360 sf. structure is located on a remote 60 acre, privately owned second-growth forest in Sullivan County, NY. It is sited on a steep, isolated area of the property with no vehicular access, no piped water and no electricity.
Project name
Half-Tree House
Architecture firm
Jacobschang Architecture
Barryville, Sullivan County, New York, United States
Noah Kalina
Winning Project of the Rifat Chadirji Prize (3rd Place) - Competition "Rebuilding Iraq’s Liberated Areas: Mosul’s Housing". Rebuilding on the Tigris River 55 000 Plus-Energy “3D Printed” Housing Units from the Ruins of War Fighting Poverty and Feeding the Post-ISIS Mosul.
Project name
The 5 Farming Bridges
Architecture firm
Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Mosul, Iraq
This project consists of the design of a 700 m² seafood restaurant located in the “La Marquesa” forest in Toluca, State of Mexico. The Restaurant was conceptualized taking as reference the tail jump of the whales, the catenary of the whole place will be supported by a steel structure and tensioned cables.
Project name
Ballena Negra
Architecture firm
Aldo Elihú Avila Ayala
Toluca, State of Mexico, Mexico
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, Corona Renderer


Zoncuantla Apartments in Coatepec, Mexico by Rafael Pardo Arquitectos