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The project is located in the Republic of Yemen in the southern side of the city of Sanaa and away from the secretariat of the capital, about 50 km. It is bordered to the east by Sanaa Taiz Street that is about 18 km away from it, surrounded by agricultural land and plateaus from all sides. image...
Mohammed Alyousofi
Dhamar University
Mohammed Faya
Tools used
Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk 3ds Max, Autocad civil 3d, V-ray, Adobe Photoshop 
Designed by Shohreh Rafatpanah, this amazing villa is inspired by the Vanna Venturi House, one of the first prominent works of the postmodern architecture movement that was designed by architect Robert Venturi. Project description by student: As we`ve seen in Venturi`s house there are some roo...