Carrington Residence is a contemporary new single dwelling, designed to have an extensive lifespan. Situated within a leafy suburb on a battle-axe block the site is set back from the street, creating a private space for the inhabitants.
“IN TIME?” is a giant clock for the city of Mannheim, ticking away towards a sustainable future, generating about 1077.6 MWh of energy annually. Positioned at a cross junction of streets and the existing railway route, the circular form becomes a contrast to the current and proposed landscape.
The reconstruction of Pavilion Z restores its original beauty and simplicity, and the A8000 studio undertook the reconstruction confidently but with respect for history. The pavilion is characterised not only by its design, but also by its multifunctionality, which allows the investor to use the space efficiently throughout the year.
Create a short video to promote good practices in humanitarian shelter and settlements programming.
Controlled pure, yet elegant interior design for a family home in the mountain. The tranquillity of the space can be felt through every element from its natural materials and the combination of hard and soft volumes.
A young couple acquired a small cabin perched in the trees of Mt. Washington, above Los Angeles. The site presented a series of challenges due to the cabin being sited precariously above a dramatic topography, as well as soil instability and rigorous foundation requirements.
A bold solution to a difficult task. ZIKZAK Architects announces the successful completion of a project in Limassol for an international IT company. The architectural bureau has developed a new expressive and futuristic facade for the building, which will become the decoration and object of attention of Limassol.
Desert House is a conceptual house designed for a virtual world located in a desert environment with stunning views of an oasis. The house is primarily made of glass ,steel and concrete , with a rooftop pool that can be seen from below with Hidden stairs blend seamlessly with the pool.