Anderson Architecture was founded on an ethos of creating sustainable and inspiring architecture. To attest to this, the firm now has two in-house certified Passivhaus designers, and Passivhaus knowledge is freely shared amongst its members, Passivhaus principles, alongside passive design principles, forming the basis of each project's design. Anderson Architecture has always valued and practiced sustainable design, acutely aware of architecture's environmental, health and wellbeing and social impacts. It is also a signatory of Architects Declare Australia and seeks through its projects to both advocate for the health of the built and natural environments. Sapling is one such development which demonstrates the sustainable ethos of the firm. Achieving the prestigious Passivhaus Premium certification, the home has extremely low heating, cooling and energy demands.
Through its 20.88kW solar array, it produces 380% of the energy it needs to run, achieving a carbon negative status in terms of its operation. It is also carbon negative in its construction, employing renewable materials such as CLT and woodfibre insulation, thereby achieving a global warming potential of -0.7 KG of CO2 per square metre per year over a fifty year lifespan. Sapling easily surpasses its BASIX minimums, requiring only 14 kWh/m².yr for heating and 8 kWh/m².yr for cooling as demonstrated by its Passivhaus modelling. Anderson Architecture employs post-occupancy monitoring of its Passivhaus and high performance homes through the implementation of Indoor Environmental Quality monitoring, and in so doing learns from each project's performance- Sapling is no different. IEQ monitors have confirmed that internal temperatures remain relatively stable throughout the day and year, while client feedback has confirmed that they no longer pay electricity bills.