There are few problems so annoying to you as a homeowner as a leaky roof. On a scale of zero to annoying, a leaky roof has to be super annoying on the scale. In this article, we will be looking at the most common roof problems and what the best ways are to address these issues.
KIE (Cover image), Robin Kutesa
Few things in life are as pleasurable as relaxing at home with friends. There’s the opportunity to show off your culinary skills or to provide lots of tasty drinks. It can be fun chilling out in your own house whilst catching up on all the gossip too.
Max Vakhtbovych (Cover image), Ralph (Ravi) Kayden
Every year, every homeowner needs to prepare the house ready for all the seasons in a year. While some inspections are done before a specific season, some are done periodically to keep the house safe and secure from the weather conditions. Additional preparations to your home protect your house, improve efficiency and also reduce energy consumptio...
Lisa (cover image), Sandid
We need electricity to run almost everything in the house. It’s right to say that you can hardly survive a day without electricity. The electricity demand has resulted in many homes installing solar panels on their roofs. If you are out there and asking yourself if this is the right way to go, this article is tailor-made for you.
Vivint Solar (cover image), Maria Godfrida
The Spaish architect Lucas Arellano spent 10 days filming the creative process during an architectural competition, to share the experience of working as a young architect at an international architecture office, Sheppard Robson, one of the most established practices in the UK.
Written by
Lucas Arellano
Lucas Arellano
Having a swimming pool in your own garden is a lovely thing. The pool quickly becomes the focus of the garden, especially if you have kids. The whole family can take a dip whenever they wish, it’s almost like being on holiday!
Tom Fisk (cover image), Josh Sorenson
One of the most important aspects of a house that many people appreciate is having a home that is spacious. This allows for people to move around freely, but also the freedom to decorate as they wish. There are many benefits to having a spacious home, but there are obstacles that may be creating suboptimal spacing conditions.
Rudy and Peter Skitterians (cover image), Peter H
Starting a garden can be one of the best decisions you make in your entire life. Maintaining the garden, on the other hand, is a more involved and challenging process.
Marzenna Gaines (cover image), Jill Wellington