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As you embark on your DIY journey or expand your existing toolkit, equipping yourself with the right power tools is crucial for success. From versatile power drills and precision saws to efficient sanders and fastening tools, each power tool plays a unique role in enhancing your capabilities as a DIYer.
Written by
Neha Mehta
Have you ever tried to tackle a cutting project, but your tool wasn’t up to the task? We’ve all been in that position. The last thing you need is more difficulties, especially when these can lead to unnecessary injuries. Instead of reaching for that dull utility knife or rusty box cutter, consider hunting for a trusted tool.
Written by
Maria Harutyunian
Eric Reinholdt
Having your own set of tools at home comes in quite useful when you need to fix things around the house. It saves time and money, and you don't have to wait for a handyman to come over and charge an arm and a leg for simple work. Doing your own repairs can seem difficult at first.
Written by
Allen Brown
Kerut (cover image), Picjumbo