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In a world where space efficiency, sustainability, and versatility are paramount, the 24sqm A-frame pod stands out as a groundbreaking solution in modular living.
Project name
Tribuntu POD
Architecture firm
A4AC Architects
Randburg Johannesburg, South Africa
Dirk Coetser
TinyHouse.com is thrilled to announce the recipients of the inaugural 2023 Tiny Home Awards, celebrating excellence in tiny home craftsmanship and innovation. Recognizing outstanding achievements across 13 distinctive categories, these awards honor the industry's premier builders and their remarkable contributions to the tiny home movement.
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Tiny Home Awards
The Jet House, Hello Wood's latest tiny home is ready to soar. Hello Wood’s Jet House is a childhood fantasy come true. The cottage in the shape of a pastel blue airplane is tucked away in a ring of trees among the hills of Zala County, Hungary.
Project name
The Jet House
Architecture firm
Hello Wood Studio
Zala County, Hungary
Zsuzsa Darab
Our Narrabeen Relocatable Home involved the replacement of a relocatable home within Narrabeen Caravan Park, with a strong environmental focus on passive design and sustainable materials.
Project name
Narrabeen relocatable home
Architecture firm
buck&simple: doers of stuff
Narrabeen, New South Wales, Australia
Kurt Crisp
SMART HABITAT Unlimited Space. When the essence of the space is the movement that flows, the voids in height and the contraposition of the planes in the entire extension of the three coordinate axes, a new concept of habitability is generated and theme emerges the smart home design by architect Hector Ruiz Velázquez.
Project name
Alvic Smart Home
Architecture firm
Ruiz Velazquez Studio
Madrid, Spain
Nacho Uribe Zalazar