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  3. Štefan Šulek
The Vietnamese restaurant is situated in a corner building, which was previously occupied by a Chinese buffet. As you enter, the exposed brick walls immediately capture your attention, infusing the restaurant with a rustic charm. The heart of the restaurant is the open kitchen, complete with a counter where diners can witness the meticulous prepara...
Project name
Pho King Restaurant
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Námestie svätého Egídia 4/7, Poprad, Slovakia
Matej Hakár
Ramencraft is not just a restaurant; it's an architectural and gastronomic experience that blends traditional cuisine with modernity. Located in the heart of Prague, the restaurant offers a unique fusion of Japanese culture, gaming world, and pop culture into its architectural design. Pixelated 8-bit graphics are transformed into the surface of wal...
Project name
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Veleslavínova 59/3, Prague, Czech Republic
Studio Flusser