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Recycling cooking oil is an action of utmost importance to preserve natural resources in the future, given its considerable polluting capacity. Therefore, it is essential to avoid the disposal of used oil in toilets, drains, sinks, or together with organic waste.
Project name
Ambiental Santos Headquarters
Architecture firm
Solo Arquitetos
Itaperuçu, Paraná, Brazil
Eduardo Macarios
Located near Praça da Espanha, a bohemian spot in Curitiba / PR, the Apartment Ladrilho was designed to be the first home of a young couple. The main challenge of the project was to find the best layout for the apartment's social spaces, ensuring enough storage space for the couple, without compromising the aesthetics or practicality of everyday l...
Project name
Tile Apartment (Apartamento Ladrilho)
Architecture firm
Solo Arquitetos
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Eduardo Macarios