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The professionals presented at CasaCor Ribeirão Preto 2024 the Ilê Omi Bar project, inspired by the African religion in Brazil. Brazilian religion has its roots in the spiritual practices inherited by Africans enslaved in Brazil during the colonial period. These religions have played an important role in the formation of Brazilian culture.
Project name
Ilê Omi
Architecture firm
Bete Said, Victor Poiani
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Carolina Misson, Victor Filomensky
The abundant quantity of quartz crystals mixed with the gravel found in the region and the existence of a stream called Cristais Paulista justify the name given to the quiet town of just over 7,000 inhabitants.
Project name
Casa MCZ (MCZ House)
Architecture firm
NIU Architecture
Cristais Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil
Yuri Miranda