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  3. Marie Hojná
The fire station in Dolní Jirčany is a place where tradition meets modern design and functionality. It is designed to resemble the typology of rural barns with its shape and volume. Its rectangular form and gabled roof also create a visual connection with the elementary school located across the street.
Project name
Jirčany Fire Station
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Ke Křížku, 252 44 Psáry, Czech Republic
Alex Shoots Buildings
The Vietnamese restaurant is situated in a corner building, which was previously occupied by a Chinese buffet. As you enter, the exposed brick walls immediately capture your attention, infusing the restaurant with a rustic charm. The heart of the restaurant is the open kitchen, complete with a counter where diners can witness the meticulous prepara...
Project name
Pho King Restaurant
Architecture firm
SOA architekti
Námestie svätého Egídia 4/7, Poprad, Slovakia
Matej Hakár