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Yangzhou, renowned for its ancient prosperity and enduring gentleness, is eloquently portrayed in the Song Poetry "Slow Life in Yangzhou". Yangzhou people have always embraced a leisurely life amidst the bustling world around them. Remaining true to itself, Yangzhou allows those who understand to appreciate its essence, distinguishing it as Yangzho...
Project name
Qu Yuan Plus Restaurant
Architecture firm
Yangzhou, China
Wang Ting
Sitting with good friends on the platform, looking through the clean and transparent large glass windows, it feels as if we are in another world, transcending time. Right here, within this glass pane, lies today's Wuhan on the outside, while inside, it's a picturesque Jiangxia steeped in history.
Project name
The Nature Flow
Architecture firm
Wuhan, China
He Chuan
Peter Zumthor, a Master of Minimalist Architecture, once said, architecture is filled with warmth and perception. In Zumthor's book "Atmospheres: Architectural Environments, Surrounding Objects," he emphasizes that "atmosphere" is a responsive interaction between the user and the space. Different places, spaces, and moods are felt as psychological...
Project name
Mansion XÚN
Architecture firm
LDH Architectural Design
Chengdu, China
Wang Ting - As You See
In the present time of inherited food, dining also gradually carries spatial attributes - social, business, banquet, internet-famous site and other needs. LDH DESIGN draws inspiration and creativity from the Manmanhai brand concept, injects art aesthetics into the commercial space, builds a dining environment with an oriental mood, and uses spatial...
Project name
Architecture firm
LDH Architectural Design Firm
No.111, 1st floor, inside 101, Building 1, No.83 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (1st floor, North Gate of Marriott Hotel), China
Zheng Yan
LU Style, the latest restaurant designed by LDH Architectural Design / Liu Daohua in Beijing! As one of the Confucian classic works, the Book of Rites writes that the earliest human sacrificial rites started from the form of offering food", indicating that the norms of behavior in catering activities were the origin and even the fundamental embodim...
Project name
LU Style Restaurant - Landmark series
Architecture firm
LDH Architectural Design
Chaoyang District, Beijing
Lu Haha
Mansion Feast – Dine like Chinese royalty in a renovated traditional Beijing courtyard residence. Beijing-based interior design practice LDH Architectural Design has completed Mansion Feast – a 1,230-square-meter restaurant that specializes in Chinese aristocratic cuisine.
Project name
Mansion Feast
Architecture firm
LDH Architectural Design
Jianchang Hutong No.22. Haidian District, Beijing, China
As you see - Wang Ting
Located within a quadrangle courtyard in Beilucaoyuan Hutong in Beijing, La maison Xun, a Chinese style restaurant, has been put into operation quietly. Unlike other popular high-end restaurants today, it boasts its comfortable modern art and antique architectural pattern.
Project name
La Maison Xun
Architecture firm
LDH Architectural Design
Beilucaoyuan Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China
Wang Ting from Dalian AsYouSee