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  3. José Luis Mancuso
An ambitious commercial project was developed on a narrow plot of land measuring 5.65 metres wide by 34.20 metres long, with an east-west orientation, located in a central but neglected urban area. The challenge included the need to create a building without architectural barriers.
Project name
Paddy - Espacios y Café
Architecture firm
ODB Arquitectos
Corrientes, Argentina
Ramiro Sosa
ODB Arquitectos: The project is located in Santa Ana de los Guácaras, a small town near the city of Corrientes, capital of the province of the same name. Traditionally, the main productive activity in the area has been small-scale and family farming.
Project name
Guácaras Food & Drinks Park
Architecture firm
ODB Arquitectos
Santa Ana de los Guácaras, Corrientes, Argentina
Ramiro Sosa