Peter Pichler Architecture unveils the recently completed Bonfiglioli Headquarters located in Calderara di Reno, Bologna, Italy. The new Headquarters arose from the need to create an efficient and functional office building that expresses the professionalism, innovation, and proud history of the Italian company.
Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing charm of our architectural wonder: a crystalline home delicately nestled within the tranquil waters of a serene lake. Its translucent walls, akin to the translucent allure of an iceberg, offer a breathtaking spectacle both day and night.
Standing at 247m tall, the Huanggang Port Headquarters is set to be the new landmark for the Shenzhen Technology and Innovation Park and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone. Drawing inspiration from the surrounding landscape and reflecting the regional characteristics, the design is based on the imagery of stacking stones and rivers.
Who takes care of the details. He has a poetic attitude; he wants to get the most out of life. In the morning, I have coffee with friends, at noon a work lunch and at night a romantic outing or to celebrate life with family. That's Che Mono, a place where you go to enjoy the neighborhood of good company. A friendly place with many details that make you feel at home.
Seasonal changes can be frustrating for the average homeowner. You may be sweltering hot in the summer, unable to enjoy your property to its full potential. In winter, it can often feel like you can never get warm.
Skylab Architecture announces its collaborative partnership with Steel Hut to design innovative, budget-friendly options for living that offer increased fire resistance and durability for harsh climates. “It’s an incredible opportunity to work with Steel Hut to address the many challenges people face during the design and construction process.
Welcome to Shunaam+, a stunning modern A-frame house nestled in the snowy landscapes of Utah, USA. This 180 square meter architectural gem is designed to not only withstand heavy snowfalls but also provide a luxurious and functional living experience for families seeking refuge in the winter wonderland.
James Lin and Owen Liu reached out to Paul Michael Davis Architects (PMDA) to help renovate their home, where they had lived for about a year. The house was odd. In 1933, when Redmond was farmland and cabins, someone built a modest rambler overlooking the Cascade Mountains.