Zahara de los Atunes is one of those places where the ordinary becomes exceptional. Every day has its sunrise and sunset, but the way it happens in this unique place is difficult to describe. With this starting point, the architecture is arranged almost like a mechanism to protect ourselves while capturing the spectacle offered by our surroundings....
Project name
Casa En El Aire (House On The Air)
Architecture firm
Fran Silvestre Arquitectos.Valencia
Zahara de los Atunes, Cádiz, Spain
Fernando Guerra | FG+SG, Jesús Orrico
The house explores the transformation of the traditional patio house - called Carmen. By definition, “A Carmen extends towards the exterior through porticoed spaces that serves as the transition between the house and the garden.
Project name
Realejo House
Architecture firm
Rubens Cortés Arquitectos
El Realejo, Granada (Spain)
Javier Callejas Sevilla
In the heart of Dongguan, a city once synonymous with factories, a groundbreaking transformation has occurred. Dongguan has evolved into 'China's Capital of Trendy Toys,' where innovation and youth converge. With an average age of 33.4 years, the city pulsates with the energy of the 'Z generation,' driving its fearless spirit of experimentation and...
AIM International Design Competition
Architecture & Design
Open to all designers, architects and artists globally
Frank Lloyd Wright homes for sale. Never in the history of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture have two neighboring homes been offered, together, in one sale -- the Samuel & Dorothy Eppstein and the Eric & Pat Pratt homes.
Written by
Marika Broere
Emilene Leone
Modern cottage for family recreation offers relaxation and peace in the woods near Prague.
Project name
Forest Cabin
Architecture firm
Prague, Czech Republic
Petr Polák
Our intent at Rustic Rays is to create a restaurant design that goes beyond aesthetics, embodying a profound respect for the planet and its resources. Through our design choices, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint, support local communities, and promote sustainability in the hospitality industry.
Project name
Rustic Rays
Architecture firm
The Grid Architects
Gandhinagar Ahmedabad, India
Photographix India. Video credits: MGX India
The design of the house prioritises connectivity to nature. This is achieved through various means, such as large windows framing scenic views, outdoor living spaces seamlessly merging with the surrounding landscape, or incorporating green elements like vertical gardens or landscaped courtyards.
Project name
Architecture firm
9 Degree Design Studio
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Maulik Patel, Inclined Studio
The square house embraces contemporary aesthetics without sacrificing the essential functionality of a home. With its fusion of materials, layout and simple design, this home rises to new heights in the search for balance between form and function.
Project name
Casa al Cuadrado (House Squared)
Architecture firm
La Caseta Arquitectura
c/ Argentina 5, 46190 Riba-roja de Túria (Valencia), Spain
German Cabo


Zoncuantla Apartments in Coatepec, Mexico by Rafael Pardo Arquitectos