The observatory is an architectural concept intended to create a ‘gate’ opening seacoast to the underwater world of flora and fauna. The object is situated in a coastal area and forms a spatial connector between the beach and the sea. The aim of the project is to attempt to create a marine observatory whose structure would merge well with the beach...
Project name
Ocean Gate Observatory
Architecture firm
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, V-ray, Adobe Photoshop
Cultural, Observatory
Since the advent of oil modernization in 1950, Kuwait city tackled an urban transformation and development that had impact on the urban society, social relations and public behavior, including the demolition of one of the oldest government hospitals “Al-Amiri Hospital” in the late 1970’s to become t...
Parsi-based archibiotect Vincent Callebaut Architectures has designed Paris Smart City 2050 that is including 8 prototypes of energy-plus towers eco-conceived to fight against climate change. Following the Climate Energy Plan of Paris aimed at reducing 75% of the greenhouse gas emissions within 2050, the « 2050 PARIS SMART CITY » project is a resea...
Project name
Paris Smart City 2050 - For a sustainable, dense and connected city
Architecture firm
Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Principal architect
Vincent Callebaut
Design team
Agnès Martin, Fabrice Zaini, Maguy Delrieu, Vincent Callebaut
Green engineering consultant: Setec
Mairie de Paris - Paris City Hall
Architectural Commission, "Procédure Adaptée". Program: 8 prototypes of positive energy towers eco-conceived to fight global warming
Bagh Chal or Sunken courtyard was an Iranian native method to protect from hot weather, in this way the courtyard stays below the ground level. Designed by Iranian architect Davood Salavati manager of Team Group, Bagh Chal is a botique restaurant located in Kashan, Esfahan, Iran.
Project descrip...
Each era demands for itself a different setting –weather it was in Taylorism that the efficiency of the employee was the important factor, to Buronloandschaft undivided open landscape plan, to later that came action office divide yet flexible plan, to then later cubicles that reached to the extreme...