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Buying a house is a big decision and a huge step in your life. Deciding to buy a house means you’re finally ready to settle and own your house, where many beautiful memories will be made. Making this decision is only the first step of the long yet exciting journey towards homeownership.
Written by
Allen Brown
Ian Keefe (cover image), Jonny Caspari
Ah, the kitchen—presumably that one spot in your home where you spend most of your time. It's one place in the house where you can prepare and cook good food, incorporate your sophisticated taste, and spend time with family and friends. How you style your kitchen somehow reflects your overall taste as a homeowner.
Written by
Rose Williams
Denisismagilov (cover image), liloon
The New York skyline is iconic in itself and is packed with soaring towers and magnificent architecture. The history of the many famous structures in New York is as fascinating as the architecture itself, and many have been immortalized so romantically in motion pictures that they take on an even greater sense of majesty.
Written by
Jennifer Seene
Leonhard Niederwimmer (cover image), Kit Suman, William Wachter, Stephen H, Lucas Franco, Patrick Robert Doyle, Miltiadis Fragkidis, Alexander Rotke