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Moving to a Toronto high rise - why storage units are a vital part of the equation

Written by:
Rik Snuiverink
Travel Scape

Thinking about moving to Toronto? If so, you are in good company, Toronto is the fastest-growing city in Canada, and home to the highest number of newcomers. Around 150,000 immigrants arrive in Toronto every year, up from around 100,000 per year a decade ago. Toronto has been forced to think vertically in order to accommodate its growing population, and remote storage has become a core part of the equation.

High rise living is becoming the standard in Toronto

Pinnacle One Yonge exemplifies the new Toronto. The mixed-use development, consisting of six skyscrapers, is currently under construction on the city’s Yonge Street, and on completion, the second building, called Sky Tower, will be the tallest in Canada at 105 stories high. A key aspect to the development is that despite its waterfront location in one of the world’s most vibrant cities, it is not all luxury hotels and serviced suites.

Core to this and other similar developments across Toronto is providing affordable residences for regular people. The development will deliver more than 1,000 new condos, each with one to three bedrooms. Welcome to the new normal when it comes to living in 21st century Toronto. But it does raise an important challenge. With no basements, attics or outbuildings, the apartments at Pinnacle One Yonge offer extremely limited storage space for those who are moving in. That’s why moving and storage suddenly seem to go hand in hand in Toronto.

Finding help with moving and storage in Toronto

For every one of those 150,000 new arrivals, Toronto can be something of a culture shock. This is especially the case for anyone moving from a more rural setting in other parts of Canada or from across the border. The good news is with so many new arrivals, there are literally dozens of companies who specialize in providing moving help for people in Toronto. This goes beyond simple moving services and also includes aspects like moving container hire and Toronto self storage facilities.

It's important to plan ahead and think about what your storage needs will be when you move to Toronto. For example, you might have furniture that you want to keep but that is of a size or style that will be out of place in a modern Toronto apartment. When it’s gone, you can’t change your mind, so it makes sense to place articles like this in storage close by. Allow yourself a few weeks after moving to settle before making any irreversible decisions.

Slowly embracing minimalism over clutter

It is no coincidence that 21st century condos like the ones at Pinnacle One Yonge are associated with sleek clean lines and minimalist décor. It is about more that fashion, it is a matter of practicality, as nobody wants to move heavy mahogany wardrobes and bedframes into a 100th floor apartment.

Renting a storage unit and arranging for your Toronto moving service to take your bulky furniture, less-used items and, to put it baldly, your clutter, directly to the storage facility gives you the opportunity to embrace the minimalist ethos. However, moving home is one of the five most stressful life experiences, so there is no need to exacerbate it by adding a sudden and significant lifestyle change, too.

There are storage units available across the city, so choose one that is close to hand. That way, belongings are still within easy reach and anything that is genuinely needed can be retrieved in a matter of minutes. Over time, you will discover which of those items are indispensable and which can be disposed of, either by selling, donating to charity or gifting to friends and family.

Pros and cons of high rise living in Toronto

High-rise condos like Pinnacle One Yonge are a great solution to Toronto’s ongoing housing crisis. They offer the widest choice of amenities, such as gym facilities, children’s playrooms, social facilities and even terrace gardens. However, there are also downsides. They can be noisy and crowded in common areas, and you might find that waiting for elevators can be an inconvenience at busy times, although newer buildings offer elevators for specific levels and use smart technology to keep waiting to a minimum.

Lack of storage space can be the biggest deterrent. However, the availability of remote storage facilities across the city provides a practical, convenient and elegant solution, even for those who are reluctant to adopt a minimalist lifestyle just yet.

By Liliana Alvarez

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