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The brief chronicled a day at the crib: a morning coffee, lots of reading in the sun and then dinner at sunset, perhaps with fish caught that day. Their space needed to encourage visitors: couches and window seats that double as beds, and acoustics that will stand up to the grandkids’ sleeping schedules.
Project name
Karitane Crib
Architecture firm
First Light Studio Ltd
Karitane, Otago, New Zealand
Andy Spain
There are so many amazing architectural projects happening in New Zealand. They’re at the forefront of combining the importance of design and nature. This balance results in thoughtful architecture that enhances the natural landscape. Which is your favourite?
Written by
Jamie Gilchrist
Dan Freeman
In 2017, St Hilda’s Anglican Church in Island Bay approached First Light Studio with a brief describing the need for a beautiful, quality, and timeless design for the existing church. This request followed a one-year ultimatum from the council to address the building's earthquake-prone status.
Project name
St Hildas Church Alteration
Architecture firm
First Light Studio
Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand
David Hensel
Inspired by the traditional gable house, the Boat House is comprised of an asymmetrical form suited to house the client’s powerboat and Laser yacht fully rigged.
Project name
Boathouse 01
Architecture firm
Michael Cooper Architects
Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
Mark Scowen Photography
First Light Studio: The Whitby Residence is a simple and elegant farmhouse designed for suburban living. It has been carefully crafted to strike a balance between public and private spaces, featuring a central courtyard/deck that serves as a seamless transition between the indoors and outdoors. Its flexible living areas can be adapted to suit vario...
Project name
Two Gables
Architecture firm
First Light Studio
Nelson, New Zealand
David Hensel Photography
Situated overlooking the Gulf Harbour Marina, with views looking back to Rangitoto this idyllic site was perfect for the family of four.
Project name
Laguna Place
Architecture firm
Michael Cooper Architects
Whangaparaoa, New Zealand
Mark Scowen
Architecture plays a vital role in New Zealand casinos. The design aesthetics often reflect the architectural style of the region. You will find that New Zealand incorporates modern and contemporary Maori design, which helps create a distinct look which resonates with local culture and the environment.
Written by
Josh Taylor
Grand Casino Dunedin