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  3. Marcin Dworzynski
The renowned lawyer from Forlì contacted us to reorganize a space of about 300 square meters on the second floor of a building that almost overlooks Piazza Saffi. It is an important project by the architect Cesare Valle realized during the Fascist era (1936).
Project name
BEL | offices for 8 lawyers
Architecture firm
Forlì, Italy
Marcin Dworzynski
The building is situated on the outskirts of the city of Forlì, within an industrial zone that the town planning authorities have located on the edge of the ancient Roman centuriation. The site is located in close proximity to the motorway exit and just a few kilometres from the old town centre.
Project name
Sidera | headquarters CIA Conad
Architecture firm
Forlì, Italy
Pietro Savorelli, Marcin Dworzynski