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As one of the milestones of China’s first economic reform, Dacheng Flour Factory was established in 1979, marking itself as a one of the most impressive landmark of the area with an iconic cylindrical silo. It has witnessed the prosperity of Shenzhen’s industrial era which ceased due to economic reform, leading to its eventual closure.
Project name
CIMC Prince Bay Dacheng Plaza
Architecture firm
Shenzhen, PRC
As the future gateway of Haikou, the Dayingshan CBD is set to become an engine of growth for the city. Led by Aedas Global Design Principal Kevin Wang, the team has won the concept design competition of Haikou HNA Center Plot D10 Retail Street, creating a new dynamic retail destination in the international tourism location.
Project name
Haikou Guoxing Avenue Plot D10 Retail Street Concept Design
Architecture firm
Haikou, China