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When your home gets damaged because of a natural disaster or accident, it’s your responsibility to clean it up. Even if your insurance company agrees to pay you compensation for the damage your home has sustained, nobody will be dispatched to help you unless you personally arrange and pay them to.
Written by
Allen Brown
Double Diamond Photo via Getty Images
Extreme weather conditions make it hard for people to live safely and peacefully in their homes. From the windows to the floors, to the roof and walls, plenty of things go into making your home safe. Whether you live in an area with dry, scorching heat or monsoon rainy seasons, protecting your home from the elements is important.
Written by
Allen Brown
Your home is not resistant to water damage. In the United States, water damage due to floods is among the leading costly hazards. The most recognizable causes of floods are hurricanes, tropical storms, thunderstorms, and excessive snow and rain. However, clogged or overburdened sewage or drainage systems, among others, can also cause flooding.
Written by
Mildred Austria