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House Catalina is a timeless and introspective residence located in the residential neighborhood of Villa Catalina in Río Ceballos, Córdoba, Argentina. This house stands out for its functional, warm, and comfortable design, incorporating raw materials such as concrete, clay brick, and natural wood, giving it a contemporary and timeless style, free...
Project name
Catalina House
Architecture firm
Villa Catalina, Rio Ceballos, Córdoba, Argentina
Gonzalo Viramonte
The project was carried out for an adult with three adolescent children, and an active social life. The house is in San Salvador, a neighborhood close to the central area of the city of Córdoba, consisting mainly of single-family homes and characterized by having parcels of approximately 350.00m². The lot is located on the northern limit of the nei...
Project name
Casa DG (DG House)
Architecture firm
DMG Estudio de arquitectura
Barrio San Salvador, Córdoba, Argentina
Gonzalo Viramonte